The first step is the biggest challenge

On January 5th, I experienced my first "Godly Woman" adventure with Patty Goff.
Patty Goff is a good friend of my mom. She is a veteran homeschool mom with two kids. My sister Abigail is friends with her daughter.

I was really nervous and it was awkward. I didn't know what to talk about or what to say. But I did bring a couple questions. 

1- How and when did you get saved?
2- What got you interested in physical fitness?

Patty decided to take me on the Carolina Tree Top Challenge in Albemarle, NC . I was a little nervous about going but it ended up being very fun.

Patty told me her story about getting saved at 9 years old. But later realized she did not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. She prayed for God to show up and he did. Even her husband saw changes in her and he became saved too.

Patty was in and out of physical fitness, but in her late thirties, she started having breathing problems  so she began running.  Several years ago she did a Run For God 5k training program at our church with my mom and then went on to train for a marathon.

When her children graduated, she started working with the elderly and homecare.

God led her interests into physical therapy. She remembers praying to God for a sign. She ended up meeting a Christian counselor who gave her a hugged and asked "in the name of Jesus" for her to be accepted into the program. She was accepted into the program. It was a very hard thing to do. Only about thirty out of several hundred are chosen.

When we got there it was a beautiful day, sunny and a little cold. We met the owner and went on a training course. We climbed up a ladder to our first course. We had to fasten our own safety gear onto our belts.

There was always a life line above our heads. It's a bar to hold if you get scared. If we fell, our belts would hold us in.

We did four courses that were challenging. Surprisingly I didn't
 use the life line much but I'm glad it was there. Three big things I learned hanging out with Patty was:
1-Face your fears, more than just physical challenges but also in any other places in my life where I have fear.
2-It's good to get out of your comfort zone because you could actually have a lot of fun and learn new things.
3-I got to know Patty and got to learn about her relationship with God and how she depends on Him.

Thank you Patty Goff, for taking the time to hang out with me. It was a great experience!
